Apenberry's Select Butterfly Kit

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Start your Butterfly Garden today with this complete kit. Comes with Pot, Fafard Professional Potting Mix and all the plants you need to attract and feed butterflies.

See Below for Planting and Care Instructions

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Care Instructions:

Remove all the plants from black nursery pots and plant in potting soil provided.  Make sure to maintain the level of each plant such that the top of the plant’s root ball is slightly above the potting soil you will be placing around the plant.  Water thoroughly.

We would recommend 2-4 hours of morning sun, but can take up to full sun all day - you will just have to water more frequently.

Water 2-3 times per week as the soil dries.  You can always test the soil for moisture by probing it with your finger 1-2” below the surface.  Only water when it feels dry to the touch.  When watering – water thoroughly enough with a watering can or hose till you see the water drain from the bottom of the pot.  . 

Trim plants as needed and don’t panic if you notice caterpillars eating the dill or milkweed – those are your new found friendly butterfly friends!

Any questions let us know – text, call or email we are always happy to help.